Planning a College Visit

The best way to learn about a college or university is to visit. While on campus you can get a feel for the school. Try to visit while school is in session. Most colleges will have limited classes and much smaller volume of students during the summer.

While on campus, why not schedule a little time to visit with the soccer coach?

Meeting with a coach is a great opportunity to ask questions about the school and the soccer program. It may also help you decide if you like the coach. It is also a great time to market yourself to the coach. You should plan to take a copy of your transcript so the coach can see what kind of student you are. Also bring your athletic resume if the coach does not have it on file. Bring a parent — they may ask questions you won’t.


Although you are always welcome to visit college campuses at your own expense (an unofficial visit), you are limited to five official visits in which the college pays for part or all of your expenses. Completion of the SAT and ACT and a high school transcript are required for an official visit, and you may only go on an official visit after August 1 before your junior year in high school. Usually an official visit consists of an overnight stay where you will have a member of the soccer team as your host. You will meet the coach and the team, learn more about the program, attend a class and possibly attend a sporting event. You may also meet other recruited athletes there for a visit. While there, talk to people and learn as much as you can.

Here are some things you should do in advance of a visit:

  • Ask where to meet the coach.
  • Get their cell phone number to avoid a mix-up.
  • Get the time schedule for your visit.
  • Find out who is paying for any tickets or meals.
  • Ask what to bring and take notes regarding your visit.
  • Ask to meet with an academic advisor who can help you learn about requirements and support.
  • Try to see the campus on a regular school day while class is in session.
  • Visit with players. Talk with the freshmen and sophomores to get their perspective on first-year experiences.
  • Always write a thank-you email to the coach after your visit.